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Under Active Thyroid Rollers – Hypothyroidism
(hypothyroidism tend to have weight gain.)
In general, one of the best essential oils for thyroid function and autoimmune issues is frankincense oil, which reduces inflammation, also helping to lower those cortisol levels.
Essential Oils for Hyperthyroidism
Certain essential oils like frankincense may be able to help with thyroid conditions, especially when sign of inflammation. Frankincense is well-known for its anti- inflammatory properties One study published in the European Journal of Immunology demonstrates how the boswellic acids in frankincense can help to reduce Th17 cytokines, which are increased in patients with autoimmune thyroid disorders.
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Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is underactive and doesn’t properly make or release thyroid hormones.
When your thyroid is underactive, your metabolism will slow down, which might mean you always feel tired or struggle to keep off weight.
Because the thyroid plays such a major part in your metabolism, this can affect every part of the body, especially your energy levels & your body’s ability to burn calories.
In one way or another, your thyroid is connected to the way every organ in your body.
Key hormones produced by the thyroid
Help the liver break down cholesterol that circulates through the bloodstream
Effects of hypothyroidism
1. Moodiness
2. Sluggish metabolism.
When your thyroid is underactive, your metabolism slows down.
1. So you may always feel tired
2. You many struggle with weight.
3. Your mood
Some people with hypothyroidism
Deal with anxiety, plus have a lot of trouble sleeping with low immunity
There may be ways to naturally increase thyroid
Coconut oil: Increase energy & fight fatigue.
Coconut Oil
Frankincense Essential Oil
Lemongrass Essential Oil
Clove Essential Oil
Rub Thyroid Roller directly on the thyroid, twice daily.
The thyroid is located at the front lower part of your neck.The thyroid is a small gland located at the base of your neck, sometimes described as butterfly-shaped.